Gingival Plastic

The beauty of a smile does not depend only on the teeth, the harmony of the lips and gums are also fundamental

Publicado por administrator

29 de April de 2021

We often find patients dissatisfied with their smile because their teeth are too short, when in fact there is an excess of gums. In these cases, gingival plastic is indicated to create a correct proportion and expose the teeth covered by the gum.


Another reason for dissatisfaction with the smile is when the patient has gingival retraction and the tooth root is exposed. When this occurs, the person has the impression that the teeth are longer and the region of the tooth next to the gum is darker. This is another situation in which gingival plastic surgery is indicated, only now with the objective of “creating” more gums on the teeth.


There are still those who have darkened gums. This is due to the presence of melanocytes (cells responsible for skin pigmentation) in the gums. It is not a disease, it just means that the gums are pigmented. When there is discontent in the smile for this reason, gingival plastic can be performed to make the gum “pink”. Visit your dentist regularly.


Source: Dr. Henrique Fukushima – Periodontista e Implantodontista Clínica Odontológica Omint – CRO: 105074





Berrini Unit – CRO: 10732
Technical Responsible: Dr. Milton Maluly Filho – CRO: 38955

Vila Omint Unit – CRO 5623
Technical Responsible: Dr. Maurício Bellonzi Abissamra – CRO: 40238

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