Call Center
Our call center is qualified and prepared to provide assistance, however, during the occurrence of emergencies, the waiting time may be longer than usual.
Hotline Omint: 0800 726 4000.
Omint Support
Medical and Dental Plans
Because of the pandemic of the new coronavirus (Covid-19) in Brazil and in the world, we have established protocols in line with our individual, community and service responsibilities to our customers, providers and partners with a view to reducing the speed of the spread of the disease among employees and the society.
Thus, a series of procedures underwent changes, as described below:
Omint is the first premium health plan to accept invoices and receipts for refund
on WhatsApp. An experience with the Omint quality standard
which you can also find in the Minha Omint APP.
It's fast, simple, safe and without bureaucracy.
Omint is the first premium health plan to accept invoices and receipts for refund on WhatsApp. An experience with the Omint quality standard which you can also find in the Minha Omint APP. It's fast, simple, safe and without bureaucracy.
To use this innovation, check the guidelines and rules for sending refunds:
Organize the documents - invoices, receipts, medical orders and reports – from the beneficiary who used the service. Scan or take a picture (vertically) of each document separately and save them in PDF, JPG or PNG formats. Remember to check that the image has captured the entire document and that the information is legible.
On the App Minha Omint, choose option Reimbursement.
On WhatsApp Omint, type Reimbursement and click on the link you receive.
Click on , read carefully and confirm the Acceptance term.
Indicate the beneficiary who used the service, the checking account for credit and insert the images of the tax documents. If necessary, include additional information.
Submit for review and you're done! You receive your protocol on the spot and can follow the process on all Omint digital channels.
To access by smartphone:
Click here
If you're on the computer:
scan the QR Code on your cell phoner.
In order to guarantee the safety and well-being of all during the relaxation of the quarantine in the State of São Paulo, from 26/4/2021, the face-to-face service at Omint units and service stations follows the following schedules:
• Vila Omint: from 09h to 17h;
• Service at Hospital Sírio-Libanês: from 08h to 17h. Lunch time: from 12h to 13h;
• Service at Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein: from 07h30 to 16h30. Lunch time: from 12h to 13h;
• Unit Berrini : from 08h to 17h. Lunch time: from 12h to 13h.
• Unit Rio de Janeiro: from 09h to 17h. Lunch time: from 12h to 13h.
We also clarify that entry will not be allowed:
• with animals;
• for people without a mask.
For questions and more information, the channels below are available:
E-mail: | APP Omint Saúde | Telephone 0800 726 4000.
Our call center is qualified and prepared to provide assistance, however, during the occurrence of emergencies, the waiting time may be longer than usual.
Hotline Omint: 0800 726 4000.
You will be able to send the documents through the APP, in the 'Service' function.
Just attach the image of the documents and insert the observations that identify your request.
Our digital channels allow the monitoring of all processes.
These processes have been in force since 03/24/2020, for an indefinite period and new information will be sent whenever the current situation of the matter in Brazil and in the world changes or legal determinations require us.
E-mail: | APP Omint Saúde | Telephone 0800 726 4000.
APP Omint Saúde: